What Credit Repair Service is Right for You?

| Tedis Baboumian |

If you’ve had credit problems, it can make it harder to buy a home, finance a car or get any type of credit. A low credit score may mean you won’t be approved, or you might be approved for credit with not-so-great terms such as high-interest rates.

If you’re trying to improve your credit, you might want to consider a credit repair service like Dovly which has an automated credit repair engine that tracks and fixes your credit on an ongoing basis. But, what other credit repair options are there, and which credit repair service is right for you?

National Credit Repair Companies

Some of the best-known credit repair companies fall into this category. If you decide to sign up for this type of service, for a fee they’ll dispute your credit using manual processes such as letter writing. They may use a shotgun approach of disputing everything at once. Examples of companies in this category include:

  • Lexington Law
  • CreditRepair.com
  • Ovation
  • The Credit Pros

Many national credit repair companies negotiate with creditors for you but may only file disputes with one or two of the major credit bureaus rather than all three. There may be a high monthly fee, but some of them offer a free consultation and a money-back guarantee. You may want to check customer reviews before choosing one of these services.

Non-Profit Credit Repair

Another option is to get credit repair help through a non-profit credit repair company. These companies are typically inexpensive and may be government-funded. When you work with them, you’ll speak to a live agent. Examples of non-profit credit repair companies include:

  • American Financial Solutions
  • American Consumer Credit Counseling
  • NFCC

These companies don’t usually offer credit monitoring. They rely on the consumer to provide the credit report and specify what needs to be disputed. Results from this type of credit repair tend to be slow.

Can You Repair Your Own Credit?

If there aren’t a lot of errors on your credit reports and you only need to dispute one or two items, you may want to consider doing it yourself. As a consumer, you have the right to file a dispute about any items that aren’t being reported correctly. You can do this by writing letters to each of the credit bureaus that have an error on their report, or by submitting a dispute online at each credit bureau’s website.

No matter what type of credit repair service you choose, keep in mind that there are items that can’t be disputed. Debt collections, charge-offs, and delinquent payments can’t be removed if they’re accurate. And remember that improving your credit score takes time. Rome wasn’t built in a day!

Dovly: The Simplest Credit Solution

Credit doesn’t get simpler than Dovly.  Our service runs on autopilot, so you don’t have to worry about having to check your score each month.  Our credit engine works 24/7 monitoring your credit and removing any items that aren’t accurate.

Dovly’s AI credit engine can get you a head-turning credit score with credit (re)building, monitoring, alerts, scores, tips, and tricks – all in one place. Try it risk-free with our free membership tier.

Dovly Credit

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